Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in
the order they are declared.
VertexAiImageModel(String endpoint,
String project,
String location,
String publisher,
String modelName,
Long seed,
String language,
Integer guidanceScale,
String negativePrompt,
VertexAiImageModel.ImageStyle sampleImageStyle,
Integer sampleImageSize,
VertexAiImageModel.AspectRatio aspectRatio,
VertexAiImageModel.PersonGeneration personGeneration,
Integer maxRetries,
VertexAiImageModel.MimeType mimeType,
Integer compressionQuality,
Boolean addWatermark,
String cloudStorageBucket,
Boolean withPersisting,
Path persistTo,
Boolean logRequests,
Boolean logResponses)
Constructor of the Imagen image generation model.