Interface MetadataStorageConfig

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MetadataStorageConfig
Metadata configuration.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    SQL definition of metadata field(s) list.
    Metadata Indexes, list of fields to use as index.
    Metadata storage mode COMBINED_JSON: For dynamic metadata, when you don't know the list of metadata that will be used.
  • Method Details

    • storageMode

      MetadataStorageMode storageMode()
      Metadata storage mode
      • COMBINED_JSON: For dynamic metadata, when you don't know the list of metadata that will be used.
      • COLUMN_PER_KEY: for static metadata, when you know in advance the list of metadata
      Metadata storage mode
    • columnDefinitions

      List<String> columnDefinitions()
      SQL definition of metadata field(s) list. Example:
      • COMBINED_JSON: Collections.singletonList("metadata JSON NULL")
      • COLUMN_PER_KEY: Arrays.asList("condominium_id uuid null", "user uuid null")
      list of column definitions
    • indexes

      List<String> indexes()
      Metadata Indexes, list of fields to use as index. Example:
      • COLUMN_PER_KEY: Arrays.asList("key", "name", "age")
      Metadata Indexes list