Interface WebSearchEngine

All Known Implementing Classes:
GoogleCustomWebSearchEngine, SearchApiWebSearchEngine, TavilyWebSearchEngine

public interface WebSearchEngine
Represents a web search engine that can be used to perform searches on the Web in response to a user query.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    search(WebSearchRequest webSearchRequest)
    Performs a search request on the web search engine and returns the search results.
    search(String query)
    Performs a search query on the web search engine and returns the search results.
  • Method Details

    • search

      default WebSearchResults search(String query)
      Performs a search query on the web search engine and returns the search results.
      query - the search query
      the search results
    • search

      WebSearchResults search(WebSearchRequest webSearchRequest)
      Performs a search request on the web search engine and returns the search results.
      webSearchRequest - the search request
      the web search results