In-process (ONNX)
LangChain4j provides local scoring (reranking) models, powered by ONNX runtime, running in the same Java process.
Many models (e.g., from Hugging Face) can be used, as long as they are in the ONNX format.
Information on how to convert models into ONNX format can be found here.
Many models already converted to ONNX format are available here.
By default, scoring (reranking) model uses the CPU.
String pathToModel = "/home/langchain4j/model.onnx";
String pathToTokenizer = "/home/langchain4j/tokenizer.json";
OnnxScoringModel scoringModel = new OnnxScoringModel(pathToModel, pathToTokenizer);
Response<Double> response = scoringModel.score("query", "passage");
Double score = response.content();
If you want to use the GPU, onnxruntime_gpu
version can be found
<!-- 1.18.0 support CUDA 12.x -->
String pathToModel = "/home/langchain4j/model.onnx";
String pathToTokenizer = "/home/langchain4j/tokenizer.json";
OrtSession.SessionOptions options = new OrtSession.SessionOptions();
OnnxScoringModel scoringModel = new OnnxScoringModel(pathToModel, options, pathToTokenizer);
Response<Double> response = scoringModel.score("query", "passage");
Double score = response.content();