Interface Filter

All Known Implementing Classes:
And, ContainsString, IsEqualTo, IsGreaterThan, IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo, IsIn, IsLessThan, IsLessThanOrEqualTo, IsNotEqualTo, IsNotIn, IsTextMatch, IsTextMatchPhrase, Not, Or

public interface Filter
This class represents a filter that can be applied during search in an EmbeddingStore.
Many EmbeddingStores support a feature called metadata filtering. A Filter can be used for this.
A Filter object can represent simple (e.g. type = 'documentation') and composite (e.g. type = 'documentation' AND year > 2020) filter expressions in an EmbeddingStore-agnostic way.
Each EmbeddingStore implementation that supports metadata filtering is mapping Filter into it's native filter expression.
See Also: