Class MilvusEmbeddingStore

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MilvusEmbeddingStore extends Object implements EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
Represents an Milvus index as an embedding store.
Supports both local and managed Milvus instances.
Supports storing Metadata and filtering by it using a Filter (provided inside an EmbeddingSearchRequest).
  • Constructor Details

    • MilvusEmbeddingStore

      public MilvusEmbeddingStore(String host, Integer port, String collectionName, Integer dimension, io.milvus.param.IndexType indexType, io.milvus.param.MetricType metricType, String uri, String token, String username, String password, io.milvus.common.clientenum.ConsistencyLevelEnum consistencyLevel, Boolean retrieveEmbeddingsOnSearch, Boolean autoFlushOnInsert, String databaseName, String idFieldName, String textFieldName, String metadataFiledName, String vectorFiledName)
    • MilvusEmbeddingStore

      public MilvusEmbeddingStore(io.milvus.client.MilvusServiceClient milvusClient, String collectionName, Integer dimension, io.milvus.param.IndexType indexType, io.milvus.param.MetricType metricType, io.milvus.common.clientenum.ConsistencyLevelEnum consistencyLevel, Boolean retrieveEmbeddingsOnSearch, Boolean autoFlushOnInsert, String idFieldName, String textFieldName, String metadataFiledName, String vectorFiledName)
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static MilvusEmbeddingStore.Builder builder()
    • dropCollection

      public void dropCollection(String collectionName)
    • add

      public String add(Embedding embedding)
      Description copied from interface: EmbeddingStore
      Adds a given embedding to the store.
      Specified by:
      add in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      embedding - The embedding to be added to the store.
      The auto-generated ID associated with the added embedding.
    • add

      public void add(String id, Embedding embedding)
      Description copied from interface: EmbeddingStore
      Adds a given embedding to the store.
      Specified by:
      add in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      id - The unique identifier for the embedding to be added.
      embedding - The embedding to be added to the store.
    • add

      public String add(Embedding embedding, TextSegment textSegment)
      Description copied from interface: EmbeddingStore
      Adds a given embedding and the corresponding content that has been embedded to the store.
      Specified by:
      add in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      embedding - The embedding to be added to the store.
      textSegment - Original content that was embedded.
      The auto-generated ID associated with the added embedding.
    • addAll

      public List<String> addAll(List<Embedding> embeddings)
      Description copied from interface: EmbeddingStore
      Adds multiple embeddings to the store.
      Specified by:
      addAll in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      embeddings - A list of embeddings to be added to the store.
      A list of auto-generated IDs associated with the added embeddings.
    • search

      public EmbeddingSearchResult<TextSegment> search(EmbeddingSearchRequest embeddingSearchRequest)
      Description copied from interface: EmbeddingStore
      Searches for the most similar (closest in the embedding space) Embeddings.
      All search criteria are defined inside the EmbeddingSearchRequest.
      EmbeddingSearchRequest.filter() can be used to filter by various metadata entries (e.g., user/memory ID). Please note that not all EmbeddingStore implementations support Filtering.
      Specified by:
      search in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      embeddingSearchRequest - A request to search in an EmbeddingStore. Contains all search criteria.
      An EmbeddingSearchResult containing all found Embeddings.
    • addAll

      public void addAll(List<String> ids, List<Embedding> embeddings, List<TextSegment> textSegments)
      Description copied from interface: EmbeddingStore
      Adds multiple embeddings and their corresponding contents that have been embedded to the store.
      Specified by:
      addAll in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      ids - A list of IDs associated with the added embeddings.
      embeddings - A list of embeddings to be added to the store.
      textSegments - A list of original contents that were embedded.
    • removeAll

      public void removeAll(Collection<String> ids)
      Removes a single embedding from the store by ID.


      • Deleted entities can still be retrieved immediately after the deletion if the consistency level is set lower than Strong
      • Entities deleted beyond the pre-specified span of time for Time Travel cannot be retrieved again.
      • Frequent deletion operations will impact the system performance.
      • Before deleting entities by comlpex boolean expressions, make sure the collection has been loaded.
      • Deleting entities by complex boolean expressions is not an atomic operation. Therefore, if it fails halfway through, some data may still be deleted.
      • Deleting entities by complex boolean expressions is supported only when the consistency is set to Bounded. For details, see Consistency
      Specified by:
      removeAll in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      ids - A collection of unique IDs of the embeddings to be removed.
      Milvus version 2.3.x
    • removeAll

      public void removeAll(Filter filter)
      Removes all embeddings that match the specified Filter from the store.


      • Deleted entities can still be retrieved immediately after the deletion if the consistency level is set lower than Strong
      • Entities deleted beyond the pre-specified span of time for Time Travel cannot be retrieved again.
      • Frequent deletion operations will impact the system performance.
      • Before deleting entities by comlpex boolean expressions, make sure the collection has been loaded.
      • Deleting entities by complex boolean expressions is not an atomic operation. Therefore, if it fails halfway through, some data may still be deleted.
      • Deleting entities by complex boolean expressions is supported only when the consistency is set to Bounded. For details, see Consistency
      Specified by:
      removeAll in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      filter - The filter to be applied to the Metadata of the TextSegment during removal. Only embeddings whose TextSegment's Metadata match the Filter will be removed.
      Milvus version 2.3.x
    • removeAll

      public void removeAll()
      Removes all embeddings from the store.


      • Deleted entities can still be retrieved immediately after the deletion if the consistency level is set lower than Strong
      • Entities deleted beyond the pre-specified span of time for Time Travel cannot be retrieved again.
      • Frequent deletion operations will impact the system performance.
      • Before deleting entities by comlpex boolean expressions, make sure the collection has been loaded.
      • Deleting entities by complex boolean expressions is not an atomic operation. Therefore, if it fails halfway through, some data may still be deleted.
      • Deleting entities by complex boolean expressions is supported only when the consistency is set to Bounded. For details, see Consistency
      Specified by:
      removeAll in interface EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
      Milvus version 2.3.x