Class WeaviateEmbeddingStore

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WeaviateEmbeddingStore extends Object implements EmbeddingStore<TextSegment>
Represents the Weaviate vector database. Current implementation assumes the cosine distance metric is used.
  • Constructor Details

    • WeaviateEmbeddingStore

      public WeaviateEmbeddingStore(String apiKey, String scheme, String host, Integer port, Boolean useGrpcForInserts, Boolean securedGrpc, Integer grpcPort, String objectClass, Boolean avoidDups, String consistencyLevel, Collection<String> metadataKeys, String textFieldName, String metadataFieldName)
      Creates a new WeaviateEmbeddingStore instance.
      apiKey - Your Weaviate API key. Not required for local deployment.
      scheme - The scheme, e.g. "https" of cluster URL. Find in under Details of your Weaviate cluster.
      host - The host, e.g. "" of cluster URL. Find in under Details of your Weaviate cluster.
      port - The port, e.g. 8080. This parameter is optional.
      useGrpcForInserts - Use GRPC instead of HTTP for batch inserts only. You still need HTTP configured for search
      securedGrpc - The GRPC connection is secured
      grpcPort - The port, e.g. 50051. This parameter is optional.
      objectClass - The object class you want to store, e.g. "MyGreatClass". Must start from an uppercase letter.
      avoidDups - If true (default), then WeaviateEmbeddingStore will generate a hashed ID based on provided text segment, which avoids duplicated entries in DB. If false, then random ID will be generated.
      consistencyLevel - Consistency level: ONE, QUORUM (default) or ALL. Find more details here.
      metadataKeys - Metadata keys that should be persisted (optional)
      textFieldName - The name of the field that contains the text of a TextSegment. Default is "text".
      metadataFieldName - metadataFieldName The name of the field where Metadata entries are stored. Default is "_metadata". If set to empty string, Metadata entries will be stored in the root of the Weaviate object.
  • Method Details