Maven Dependency
Parameter | Description | Required/Optional |
apiKey | Your Weaviate API key. Not required for local deployment. | Optional |
scheme | The scheme, e.g. "https" of cluster URL. Find it under Details of your Weaviate cluster. | Required |
host | The host, e.g. "langchain4j-4jw7ufd9.weaviate.network" of cluster URL. Find it under Details of your Weaviate cluster. | Required |
port | The port, e.g. 8080. | Optional |
objectClass | The object class you want to store, e.g. "MyGreatClass". Must start from an uppercase letter. | Optional (default: Default ) |
avoidDups | If true (default), then WeaviateEmbeddingStore will generate a hashed ID based on the provided text segment, which avoids duplicated entries in DB. If false, then a random ID will be generated. | Optional (default: true ) |
consistencyLevel | Consistency level: ONE , QUORUM (default) or ALL . Find more details here. | Optional (default: QUORUM ) |
useGrpcForInserts | Use GRPC instead of HTTP for batch inserts only. You still need HTTP configured for search. | Optional |
securedGrpc | The GRPC connection is secured. | Optional |
grpcPort | The port, e.g. 50051. | Optional |
textFieldName | The name of the field that contains the text of a TextSegment . | Optional (default: text ) |
metadataFieldName | The name of the field where Metadata entries are stored. If set to an empty string ("" ), Metadata entries will be stored in the root object. It is recommended to use metadataKeys if using root object. | Optional (default: _metadata ) |
metadataKeys | Metadata keys that should be persisted. | Optional |