Class BedrockChatModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BedrockChatModel extends Object implements ChatLanguageModel
BedrockChatModel uses the Bedrock ConverseAPI.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • generate

      public Response<AiMessage> generate(List<ChatMessage> messages)
      Description copied from interface: ChatLanguageModel
      Generates a response from the model based on a sequence of messages. Typically, the sequence contains messages in the following order: System (optional) - User - AI - User - AI - User ...
      Specified by:
      generate in interface ChatLanguageModel
      messages - A list of messages.
      The response generated by the model.
    • generate

      public Response<AiMessage> generate(List<ChatMessage> messages, ToolSpecification toolSpecification)
      Description copied from interface: ChatLanguageModel
      Generates a response from the model based on a list of messages and a single tool specification. The model is forced to execute the specified tool. This is usually achieved by setting `tool_choice=ANY` in the LLM provider API.
      Typically, the list contains messages in the following order: System (optional) - User - AI - User - AI - User ...
      Specified by:
      generate in interface ChatLanguageModel
      messages - A list of messages.
      toolSpecification - The specification of a tool that must be executed. The model is forced to execute this tool.
      The response generated by the model. AiMessage contains a request to execute the specified tool.
    • generate

      public Response<AiMessage> generate(List<ChatMessage> messages, List<ToolSpecification> toolSpecifications)
      Description copied from interface: ChatLanguageModel
      Generates a response from the model based on a list of messages and a list of tool specifications. The response may either be a text message or a request to execute one of the specified tools. Typically, the list contains messages in the following order: System (optional) - User - AI - User - AI - User ...
      Specified by:
      generate in interface ChatLanguageModel
      messages - A list of messages.
      toolSpecifications - A list of tools that the model is allowed to execute. The model autonomously decides whether to use any of these tools.
      The response generated by the model. AiMessage can contain either a textual response or a request to execute one of the tools.
    • chat

      public ChatResponse chat(ChatRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: ChatLanguageModel
      This is the main API to interact with the chat model. A temporary default implementation of this method is necessary until all ChatLanguageModel implementations adopt it. It should be removed once that occurs.
      Specified by:
      chat in interface ChatLanguageModel
      request - a ChatRequest, containing all the inputs to the LLM
      a ChatResponse, containing all the outputs from the LLM
    • builder

      public static BedrockChatModel.Builder builder()
    • dblToFloat

      public static Float dblToFloat(Double d)