LangChain4j uses SLF4J for logging, allowing you to plug in any logging backend you prefer, such as Logback or Log4j).
Pure Java
You can enable logging of each request and response to the LLM by setting
and .logResponses(true)
when creating an instance of the model:
Make sure you have one of the SLF4J logging backends in your dependencies, for example, Logback:
When using Quarkus integration,
logging is configured in the application.properties
quarkus.langchain4j.openai.chat-model.log-requests = true
quarkus.langchain4j.openai.chat-model.log-responses = true
quarkus.log.console.enable = true
quarkus.log.file.enable = false
These properties can also be set and changed in the Quarkus Dev UI,
when running the application in dev mode (mvn quarkus:dev
The Dev UI is then available at http://localhost:8080/q/dev-ui
Spring Boot
When using Spring Boot integration,
logging is configured in the application.properties
langchain4j.open-ai.chat-model.log-requests = true
langchain4j.open-ai.chat-model.log-responses = true
logging.level.dev.langchain4j = DEBUG