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Tools (Function Calling)

Some LLMs, in addition to generating text, can also trigger actions.


All LLMs supporting tools can be found here (see the "Tools" column).

There is a concept known as "tools," or "function calling". It allows the LLM to call, when necessary, one or more available tools, usually defined by the developer. A tool can be anything: a web search, a call to an external API, or the execution of a specific piece of code, etc. LLMs cannot actually call the tool themselves; instead, they express the intent to call a specific tool in their response (instead of responding in plain text). We, as developers, should then execute this tool with the provided arguments and report back the results of the tool execution.

For example, we know that LLMs themselves are not very good at math. If your use case involves occasional math calculations, you might want to provide the LLM with a "math tool." By declaring one or multiple tools in the request to the LLM, it can then decide to call one of them if it deems it appropriate. Given a math question along with a set of math tools, the LLM might decide that to properly answer the question, it should first call one of the provided math tools.

Let's see how this works in practice (with and without tools):

An example of a message exchange without tools:

- messages:
- UserMessage:
- text: What is the square root of 475695037565?

- AiMessage:
- text: The square root of 475695037565 is approximately 689710.

Close, but not correct.

An example of a message exchange with the following tools:

@Tool("Sums 2 given numbers")
double sum(double a, double b) {
return a + b;

@Tool("Returns a square root of a given number")
double squareRoot(double x) {
return Math.sqrt(x);
Request 1:
- messages:
- UserMessage:
- text: What is the square root of 475695037565?
- tools:
- sum(double a, double b): Sums 2 given numbers
- squareRoot(double x): Returns a square root of a given number

Response 1:
- AiMessage:
- toolExecutionRequests:
- squareRoot(475695037565)

... here we are executing the squareRoot method with the "475695037565" argument and getting "689706.486532" as a result ...

Request 2:
- messages:
- UserMessage:
- text: What is the square root of 475695037565?
- AiMessage:
- toolExecutionRequests:
- squareRoot(475695037565)
- ToolExecutionResultMessage:
- text: 689706.486532

Response 2:
- AiMessage:
- text: The square root of 475695037565 is 689706.486532.

As you can see, when an LLM has access to tools, it can decide to call one of them when appropriate.

This is a very powerful feature. In this simple example, we gave the LLM primitive math tools, but imagine if we gave it, for example, googleSearch and sendEmail tools and a query like "My friend wants to know recent news in the AI field. Send the short summary to," then it could find recent news using the googleSearch tool, then summarize it and send the summary via email using the sendEmail tool.


To increase the chances of the LLM calling the right tool with the right arguments, we should provide a clear and unambiguous:

  • name of the tool
  • description of what the tool does and when it should be used
  • description of every tool parameter

A good rule of thumb: if a human can understand the purpose of a tool and how to use it, chances are that the LLM can too.

LLMs are specifically fine-tuned to detect when to call tools and how to call them. Some models can even call multiple tools at once, for example, OpenAI.


Please note that not all models support tools. To see which models support tools, refer to the "Tools" column on this page.


Please note that tools/function calling is not the same as JSON mode.

2 levels of abstraction

LangChain4j provides two levels of abstraction for using tools:

  • Low-level, using the ChatLanguageModel and ToolSpecification APIs
  • High-level, using AI Services and @Tool-annotated Java methods

Low Level Tool API

At the low level, you can use the chat(ChatRequest) method of the ChatLanguageModel. A similar method is also present in the StreamingChatLanguageModel.

You can specify one or more ToolSpecifications when creating the ChatRequest.

ToolSpecification is an object that contains all the information about the tool:

  • The name of the tool
  • The description of the tool
  • The parameters of the tool and their descriptions

It is recommended to provide as much information about the tool as possible: a clear name, a comprehensive description, and a description for each parameter, etc.

There are two ways to create a ToolSpecification:

  1. Manually
ToolSpecification toolSpecification = ToolSpecification.builder()
.description("Returns the weather forecast for a given city")
.addStringProperty("city", "The city for which the weather forecast should be returned")
.addEnumProperty("temperatureUnit", List.of("CELSIUS", "FAHRENHEIT"))
.required("city") // the required properties should be specified explicitly

You can find more information on JsonObjectSchema here.

  1. Using helper methods:
  • ToolSpecifications.toolSpecificationsFrom(Class)
  • ToolSpecifications.toolSpecificationsFrom(Object)
  • ToolSpecifications.toolSpecificationFrom(Method)
class WeatherTools { 

@Tool("Returns the weather forecast for a given city")
String getWeather(
@P("The city for which the weather forecast should be returned") String city,
TemperatureUnit temperatureUnit
) {

List<ToolSpecification> toolSpecifications = ToolSpecifications.toolSpecificationsFrom(WeatherTools.class);

Once you have a List<ToolSpecification>, you can call the model:

ChatRequest request = ChatRequest.builder()
.messages(UserMessage.from("What will the weather be like in London tomorrow?"))
ChatResponse response =;
AiMessage aiMessage = response.aiMessage();

If the LLM decides to call the tool, the returned AiMessage will contain data in the toolExecutionRequests field. In this case, AiMessage.hasToolExecutionRequests() will return true. Depending on the LLM, it can contain one or multiple ToolExecutionRequest objects (some LLMs support calling multiple tools in parallel).

Each ToolExecutionRequest should contain:

  • The id of the tool call (some LLMs do not provide it)
  • The name of the tool to be called, for example: getWeather
  • The arguments, for example: { "city": "London", "temperatureUnit": "CELSIUS" }

You'll need to manually execute the tool(s) using information from the ToolExecutionRequest(s).

If you want to send the result of the tool execution back to the LLM, you need to create a ToolExecutionResultMessage (one for each ToolExecutionRequest) and send it along with all previous messages:

String result = "It is expected to rain in London tomorrow.";
ToolExecutionResultMessage toolExecutionResultMessage = ToolExecutionResultMessage.from(toolExecutionRequest, result);
ChatRequest request2 = ChatRequest.builder()
.messages(List.of(userMessage, aiMessage, toolExecutionResultMessage))
ChatResponse response2 =;

High Level Tool API

At a high level of abstraction, you can annotate any Java method with the @Tool annotation and specify them when creating AI Service.

AI Service will automatically convert such methods into ToolSpecifications and include them in the request for each interaction with the LLM. When the LLM decides to call the tool, the AI Service will automatically execute the appropriate method, and the return value of the method (if any) will be sent back to the LLM. You can find implementation details in DefaultToolExecutor.

A few tool examples:

@Tool("Searches Google for relevant URLs, given the query")
public List<String> searchGoogle(@P("search query") String query) {

@Tool("Returns the content of a web page, given the URL")
public String getWebPageContent(@P("URL of the page") String url) {
Document jsoupDocument = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
return jsoupDocument.body().text();

Tool Method Limitations

Methods annotated with @Tool:

  • can be either static or non-static
  • can have any visibility (public, private, etc.).

Tool Method Parameters

Methods annotated with @Tool can accept any number of parameters of various types:

  • Primitive types: int, double, etc
  • Object types: String, Integer, Double, etc
  • Custom POJOs (can contain nested POJOs)
  • enums
  • List<T>/Set<T> where T is one of the above-mentioned types
  • Map<K,V> (you need to manually specify the types of K and V in the parameter description with @P)

Methods without parameters are supported as well.

By default, all method parameters are considered mandatory/required. This means that the LLM will have to produce a value for such a parameter. A parameter can be made optional by annotating it with @P(required = false). Declaring fields of POJO parameters as optional is not supported yet.

Recursive parameters (e.g., a Person class having a Set<Person> children field) are currently supported only by OpenAI.

Tool Method Return Types

Methods annotated with @Tool can return any type, including void. If the method has a void return type, "Success" string is sent to the LLM if the method returns successfully.

If the method has a String return type, the returned value is sent to the LLM as is, without any conversions.

For other return types, the returned value is converted into a JSON string before being sent to the LLM.

Exception Handling

If a method annotated with @Tool throws an Exception, the message of the Exception (e.getMessage()) will be sent to the LLM as the result of tool's execution. This allows the LLM to correct its mistake and retry, if it considers it necessary.


Any Java method annotated with @Tool and explicitly specified during the build of an AI Service can be executed by the LLM:

interface MathGenius {

String ask(String question);

class Calculator {

double add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;

double squareRoot(double x) {
return Math.sqrt(x);

MathGenius mathGenius = AiServices.builder(MathGenius.class)
.tools(new Calculator())

String answer = mathGenius.ask("What is the square root of 475695037565?");

System.out.println(answer); // The square root of 475695037565 is 689706.486532.

When the ask method is called, 2 interactions with the LLM occur, as described in the earlier section. In between those interactions, the squareRoot method is called automatically.

The @Tool annotation has 2 optional fields:

  • name: the tool's name. If this is not provided, the method's name will serve as the tool's name.
  • value: the tool's description.

Depending on the tool, the LLM might understand it well even without any description (for example, add(a, b) is obvious), but it is usually better to provide clear and meaningful names and descriptions. This way, the LLM has more information to decide whether or not to call the given tool, and how to do so.


Method parameters can optionally be annotated with @P.

The @P annotation has 2 fields

  • value: description of the parameter. Mandatory field.
  • required: whether the parameter is required, default is true. Optional field.


The description of classes and fields can be specified using the @Description annotation:

@Description("Query to execute")
class Query {

@Description("Fields to select")
private List<String> select;

@Description("Conditions to filter on")
private List<Condition> where;

Result executeQuery(Query query) {


If your AI Service method has a parameter annotated with @MemoryId, you can also annotate a parameter of a @Tool method with @ToolMemoryId. The value provided to the AI Service method will be automatically passed to the @Tool method. This feature is useful if you have multiple users and/or multiple chats/memories per user and wish to distinguish between them inside the @Tool method.

Accessing Executed Tools

If you wish to access tools executed during the invocation of an AI Service, you can easily do so by wrapping the return type in the Result class:

interface Assistant {

Result<String> chat(String userMessage);

Result<String> result ="Cancel my booking 123-456");

String answer = result.content();
List<ToolExecution> toolExecutions = result.toolExecutions();

In streaming mode, you can do so by specifying onToolExecuted callback:

interface Assistant {

TokenStream chat(String message);

TokenStream tokenStream ="Cancel my booking");

.onToolExecuted((ToolExecution toolExecution) -> System.out.println(toolExecution))

Specifying Tools Programmatically

When using AI Services, tools can also be specified programmatically. This approach offers a lot of flexibility, as tools can be loaded from external sources such as databases and configuration files.

Tool names, descriptions, parameter names, and descriptions can all be configured using ToolSpecification:

ToolSpecification toolSpecification = ToolSpecification.builder()
.description("Returns booking details")
"bookingNumber", JsonStringSchema.builder()
.description("Booking number in B-12345 format")

For each ToolSpecification, one needs to provide a ToolExecutor implementation that will be handling tool execution requests generated by the LLM:

ToolExecutor toolExecutor = (toolExecutionRequest, memoryId) -> {
Map<String, Object> arguments = fromJson(toolExecutionRequest.arguments());
String bookingNumber = arguments.get("bookingNumber").toString();
Booking booking = getBooking(bookingNumber);
return booking.toString();

Once we have one or multiple (ToolSpecification, ToolExecutor) pairs, we can specify them when creating an AI Service:

Assistant assistant = AiServices.builder(Assistant.class)
.tools(Map.of(toolSpecification, toolExecutor))

Specifying Tools Dynamically

When using AI services, tools can also be specified dynamically for each invocation. One can configure a ToolProvider that will be called each time the AI service is invoked and will provide the tools that should be included in the current request to the LLM. The ToolProvider accepts a ToolProviderRequest that contains the UserMessage and chat memory ID and returns a ToolProviderResult that contains tools in a form of a Map from ToolSpecification to ToolExecutor.

Here is an example of how to add the get_booking_details tool only when the user's message contains the word "booking":

ToolProvider toolProvider = (toolProviderRequest) -> {
if (toolProviderRequest.userMessage().singleText().contains("booking")) {
ToolSpecification toolSpecification = ToolSpecification.builder()
.description("Returns booking details")
return ToolProviderResult.builder()
.add(toolSpecification, toolExecutor)
} else {
return null;

Assistant assistant = AiServices.builder(Assistant.class)

Model Context Protocol (MCP)

You can also import tools from MCP server. More information on this can be found here.
