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LLM Observability

Certain implementations of ChatLanguageModel and StreamingChatLanguageModel (see "Observability" column") allow configuring ChatModelListener(s) to listen for events such as:

  • Requests to the LLM
  • Response from the LLM
  • Errors

These events include various attributes, as described in the OpenTelemetry Generative AI Semantic Conventions, such as:

  • Request:
    • Model
    • Temperature
    • Top P
    • Max Tokens
    • Messages
    • Tools
  • Response:
    • ID
    • Model
    • Token Usage
    • Finish Reason
    • Assistant Message

Here is an example of using ChatModelListener:

ChatModelListener listener = new ChatModelListener() {

public void onRequest(ChatModelRequestContext requestContext) {
ChatModelRequest request = requestContext.request();
Map<Object, Object> attributes = requestContext.attributes();

public void onResponse(ChatModelResponseContext responseContext) {
ChatModelResponse response = responseContext.response();
ChatModelRequest request = responseContext.request();
Map<Object, Object> attributes = responseContext.attributes();

public void onError(ChatModelErrorContext errorContext) {
Throwable error = errorContext.error();
ChatModelRequest request = errorContext.request();
ChatModelResponse partialResponse = errorContext.partialResponse();
Map<Object, Object> attributes = errorContext.attributes();

ChatLanguageModel model = OpenAiChatModel.builder()

model.generate("Tell me a joke about Java");

The attributes map allows passing information between the onRequest, onResponse, and onError methods.