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RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)

LLM's knowledge is limited to the data it has been trained on. If you want to make an LLM aware of domain-specific knowledge or proprietary data, you can:

What is RAG?

Simply put, RAG is the way to find and inject relevant pieces of information from your data into the prompt before sending it to the LLM. This way LLM will get (hopefully) relevant information and will be able to reply using this information, which should reduce the probability of hallucinations.

Relevant pieces of information can be found using various information retrieval methods. The most popular are:

  • Full-text (keyword) search. This method uses techniques like TF-IDF and BM25 to search documents by matching the keywords in a query (e.g., what the user is asking) against a database of documents. It ranks results based on the frequency and relevance of these keywords in each document.
  • Vector search, also known as "semantic search". Text documents are converted into vectors of numbers using embedding models. It then finds and ranks documents based on the cosine similarity or other similarity/distance measures between the query vector and document vectors, thus capturing deeper semantic meanings.
  • Hybrid. Combining multiple methods usually improves the effectiveness of the search.

This page will focus solely on vector search. Full-text and hybrid search are currently supported only by Azure AI Search integration, see AzureAiSearchContentRetriever for more details. We plan to expand the RAG toolbox to include full-text and hybrid search in the near future.

Easy RAG

LangChain4j has an "Easy RAG" feature that makes it as easy as possible to get started with RAG. You don't have to learn about embeddings, choose a vector store, find the right embedding model, figure out how to parse and split documents, etc. Just point to your document(s), and LangChain4j will do its magic.

If you need a customizable RAG, skip to the next section.

If you are using Quarkus, there is an even easier way to do Easy RAG. Please read Quarkus documentation.


The quality of such "Easy RAG" will, of course, be lower than that of a tailored RAG setup. However, this is the easiest way to start learning about RAG and/or make a proof of concept. Later, you will be able to transition smoothly from Easy RAG to more advanced RAG, adjusting and customizing more and more aspects.

  1. Import the langchain4j-easy-rag dependency:
  1. Let's load your documents:
List<Document> documents = FileSystemDocumentLoader.loadDocuments("/home/langchain4j/documentation");

This will load all files from the specified directory.

What is happening under the hood?

The Apache Tika library, which supports a wide variety of document types, is used to detect document types and parse them. Since we did not explicitly specify which DocumentParser to use, the FileSystemDocumentLoader will load an ApacheTikaDocumentParser, provided by langchain4j-easy-rag dependency through SPI.

How to customize loading documents?

If you want to load documents from all subdirectories, you can use the loadDocumentsRecursively method:

List<Document> documents = FileSystemDocumentLoader.loadDocumentsRecursively("/home/langchain4j/documentation");

Additionally, you can filter documents by using a glob or regex:

PathMatcher pathMatcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:*.pdf");
List<Document> documents = FileSystemDocumentLoader.loadDocuments("/home/langchain4j/documentation", pathMatcher);

When using loadDocumentsRecursively method, you might want to use a double asterisk (instead of a single one) in glob: glob:**.pdf.

  1. Now, we need to preprocess and store documents in a specialized embedding store, also known as vector database. This is necessary to quickly find relevant pieces of information when a user asks a question. We can use any of our 15+ supported embedding stores, but for simplicity, we will use an in-memory one:
InMemoryEmbeddingStore<TextSegment> embeddingStore = new InMemoryEmbeddingStore<>();
EmbeddingStoreIngestor.ingest(documents, embeddingStore);
What is happening under the hood?
  1. The EmbeddingStoreIngestor loads a DocumentSplitter from the langchain4j-easy-rag dependency through SPI. Each Document is split into smaller pieces (TextSegments) each consisting of no more than 300 tokens and with a 30-token overlap.

  2. The EmbeddingStoreIngestor loads an EmbeddingModel from the langchain4j-easy-rag dependency through SPI. Each TextSegment is converted into an Embedding using the EmbeddingModel.


We have chosen bge-small-en-v1.5 as the default embedding model for Easy RAG. It has achieved an impressive score on the MTEB leaderboard, and its quantized version occupies only 24 megabytes of space. Therefore, we can easily load it into memory and run it in the same process using ONNX Runtime.

Yes, that's right, you can convert text into embeddings entirely offline, without any external services, in the same JVM process. LangChain4j offers 5 popular embedding models out-of-the-box.

  1. All TextSegment-Embedding pairs are stored in the EmbeddingStore.
  1. The last step is to create an AI Service that will serve as our API to the LLM:
interface Assistant {

String chat(String userMessage);

Assistant assistant = AiServices.builder(Assistant.class)

Here, we configure the Assistant to use an OpenAI LLM to answer user questions, remember the 10 latest messages in the conversation, and retrieve relevant content from an EmbeddingStore that contains our documents.

  1. And now we are ready to chat with it!
String answer ="How to do Easy RAG with LangChain4j?");


LangChain4j offers a rich set of APIs to make it easy for you to build custom RAG pipelines, ranging from simple ones to advanced ones. In this section, we will cover the main domain classes and APIs.


A Document class represents an entire document, such as a single PDF file or a web page. At the moment, the Document can only represent textual information, but future updates will enable it to support images and tables as well.

Useful methods
  • Document.text() returns the text of the Document
  • Document.metadata() returns the Metadata of the Document (see below)
  • Document.toTextSegment() converts the Document into a TextSegment (see below)
  • Document.from(String, Metadata) creates a Document from text and Metadata
  • Document.from(String) creates a Document from text with empty Metadata


Each Document contains Metadata. It stores meta information about the Document, such as its name, source, last update date, owner, or any other relevant details.

The Metadata is stored as a key-value map, where the key is of the String type, and the value can be one of the following types: String, Integer, Long, Float, Double.

Metadata is useful for several reasons:

  • When including the content of the Document in a prompt to the LLM, metadata entries can also be included, providing the LLM with additional information to consider. For example, providing the Document name and source can help improve the LLM's understanding of the content.
  • When searching for relevant content to include in the prompt, one can filter by Metadata entries. For example, you can narrow down a semantic search to only Documents belonging to a specific owner.
  • When the source of the Document is updated (for example, a specific page of documentation), one can easily locate the corresponding Document by its metadata entry (for example, "id", "source", etc.) and update it in the EmbeddingStore as well to keep it in sync.
Useful methods
  • Metadata.from(Map) creates Metadata from a Map
  • Metadata.put(String key, String value) / put(String, int) / etc., adds an entry to the Metadata
  • Metadata.getString(String key) / getInteger(String key) / etc., returns a value of the Metadata entry, casting it to the required type
  • Metadata.containsKey(String key) checks whether Metadata contains an entry with the specified key
  • Metadata.remove(String key) removes an entry from the Metadata by key
  • Metadata.copy() returns a copy of the Metadata
  • Metadata.toMap() converts Metadata into a Map

Document Loader

You can create a Document from a String, but a simpler method is to use one of our document loaders included in the library:

  • FileSystemDocumentLoader from the langchain4j module
  • UrlDocumentLoader from the langchain4j module
  • AmazonS3DocumentLoader from the langchain4j-document-loader-amazon-s3 module
  • AzureBlobStorageDocumentLoader from the langchain4j-document-loader-azure-storage-blob module
  • GitHubDocumentLoader from the langchain4j-document-loader-github module
  • TencentCosDocumentLoader from the langchain4j-document-loader-tencent-cos module

Document Parser

Documents can represent files in various formats, such as PDF, DOC, TXT, etc. To parse each of these formats, there's a DocumentParser interface with several implementations included in the library:

  • TextDocumentParser from the langchain4j module, which can parse files in plain text format (e.g. TXT, HTML, MD, etc.)
  • ApachePdfBoxDocumentParser from the langchain4j-document-parser-apache-pdfbox module, which can parse PDF files
  • ApachePoiDocumentParser from the langchain4j-document-parser-apache-poi module, which can parse MS Office file formats (e.g. DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, etc.)
  • ApacheTikaDocumentParser from the langchain4j-document-parser-apache-tika module, which can automatically detect and parse almost all existing file formats

Here is an example of how to load one or multiple Documents from the file system:

// Load a single document
Document document = FileSystemDocumentLoader.loadDocument("/home/langchain4j/file.txt", new TextDocumentParser());

// Load all documents from a directory
List<Document> documents = FileSystemDocumentLoader.loadDocuments("/home/langchain4j", new TextDocumentParser());

// Load all *.txt documents from a directory
PathMatcher pathMatcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:*.txt");
List<Document> documents = FileSystemDocumentLoader.loadDocuments("/home/langchain4j", pathMatcher, new TextDocumentParser());

// Load all documents from a directory and its subdirectories
List<Document> documents = FileSystemDocumentLoader.loadDocumentsRecursively("/home/langchain4j", new TextDocumentParser());

You can also load documents without explicitly specifying a DocumentParser. In this case, a default DocumentParser will be used. The default one is loaded through SPI (e.g. from langchain4j-document-parser-apache-tika or langchain4j-easy-rag). If no DocumentParsers are found through SPI, a TextDocumentParser is used as a fallback.

Document Transformer

DocumentTransformer implementations can perform a variety of document transformations such as:

  • Cleaning: This involves removing unnecessary noise from the Document's text, which can save tokens and reduce distractions.
  • Filtering: to completely exclude particular Documents from the search.
  • Enriching: Additional information can be added to Documents to potentially enhance search results.
  • Summarizing: The Document can be summarized, and its short summary can be stored in the Metadata to be later included in each TextSegment (which we will cover below) to potentially improve the search.
  • Etc.

Metadata entries can also be added, modified, or removed at this stage.

Currently, the only implementation provided out-of-the-box is HtmlTextExtractor in the langchain4j module, which can extract desired text content and metadata entries from the raw HTML.

Since there is no one-size-fits-all solution, we recommend implementing your own DocumentTransformer, tailored to your unique data.

Text Segment

Once your Documents are loaded, it is time to split (chunk) them into smaller segments (pieces). LangChain4j's domain model includes a TextSegment class that represents a segment of a Document. As the name suggests, TextSegment can represent only textual information.

To split or not to split?

There are several reasons why you might want to include only a few relevant segments instead of the entire knowledge base in the prompt:

  • LLMs have a limited context window, so the entire knowledge base might not fit
  • The more information you provide in the prompt, the longer it takes for the LLM to process it and respond
  • The more information you provide in the prompt, the more you pay
  • Irrelevant information in the prompt might distract the LLM and increase the chance of hallucinations
  • The more information you provide in the prompt, the harder it is to explain based on which information the LLM responded

We can address these concerns by splitting a knowledge base into smaller, more digestible segments. How big should those segments be? That is a good question. As always, it depends.

There are currently 2 widely used approaches:

  1. Each document (e.g., a PDF file, a web page, etc.) is atomic and indivisible. During retrieval in the RAG pipeline, the N most relevant documents are retrieved and injected into the prompt. You will most probably need to use a long-context LLM in this case since documents can be quite long. This approach is suitable if retrieving complete documents is important, such as when you can't afford to miss some details.
  • Pros: No context is lost.
  • Cons:
    • More tokens are consumed.
    • Sometimes, documents can contain multiple sections/topics, and not all of them are relevant to the query.
    • Vector search quality suffers because complete documents of various sizes are compressed into a single, fixed-length vector.
  1. Documents are split into smaller segments, such as chapters, paragraphs, or sometimes even sentences. During retrieval in the RAG pipeline, the N most relevant segments are retrieved and injected into the prompt. The challenge lies in ensuring each segment provides sufficient context/information for the LLM to understand it. Missing context can lead to the LLM misinterpreting the given segment and hallucinating. A common strategy is to split documents into segments with overlap, but this doesn't completely solve the problem. Several advanced techniques can help here, for example, "sentence window retrieval", "auto-merging retrieval", and "parent document retrieval". We won't go into details here, but essentially, these methods help to fetch more context around the retrieved segments, providing the LLM with additional information before and after the retrieved segment.
  • Pros:
    • Better quality of vector search.
    • Reduced token consumption.
  • Cons: Some context may still be lost.
Useful methods
  • TextSegment.text() returns the text of the TextSegment
  • TextSegment.metadata() returns the Metadata of the TextSegment
  • TextSegment.from(String, Metadata) creates a TextSegment from text and Metadata
  • TextSegment.from(String) creates a TextSegment from text with empty Metadata

Document Splitter

LangChain4j has a DocumentSplitter interface with several out-of-the-box implementations:

  • DocumentByParagraphSplitter
  • DocumentByLineSplitter
  • DocumentBySentenceSplitter
  • DocumentByWordSplitter
  • DocumentByCharacterSplitter
  • DocumentByRegexSplitter
  • Recursive: DocumentSplitters.recursive(...)

They all work as follows:

  1. You instantiate a DocumentSplitter, specifying the desired size of TextSegments and, optionally, an overlap in characters or tokens.
  2. You call the split(Document) or splitAll(List<Document>) methods of the DocumentSplitter.
  3. The DocumentSplitter splits the given Documents into smaller units, the nature of which varies with the splitter. For instance, DocumentByParagraphSplitter divides a document into paragraphs (defined by two or more consecutive newline characters), while DocumentBySentenceSplitter uses the OpenNLP library's sentence detector to split a document into sentences, and so on.
  4. The DocumentSplitter then combines these smaller units (paragraphs, sentences, words, etc.) into TextSegments, attempting to include as many units as possible in a single TextSegment without exceeding the limit set in step 1. If some of the units are still too large to fit into a TextSegment, it calls a sub-splitter. This is another DocumentSplitter capable of splitting units that do not fit into more granular units. All Metadata entries are copied from the Document to each TextSegment. A unique metadata entry "index" is added to each text segment. The first TextSegment will contain index=0, the second index=1, and so on.

Text Segment Transformer

TextSegmentTransformer is similar to DocumentTransformer (described above), but it transforms TextSegments.

As with the DocumentTransformer, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so we recommend implementing your own TextSegmentTransformer, tailored to your unique data.

One technique that works quite well for improving retrieval is to include the Document title or a short summary in each TextSegment.


The Embedding class encapsulates a numerical vector that represents the "semantic meaning" of the content that has been embedded (usually text, such as a TextSegment).

Read more about vector embeddings here:

Useful methods
  • Embedding.dimension() returns the dimension of the embedding vector (its length)
  • CosineSimilarity.between(Embedding, Embedding) calculates the cosine similarity between 2 Embeddings
  • Embedding.normalize() normalizes the embedding vector (in place)

Embedding Model

The EmbeddingModel interface represents a special type of model that converts text into an Embedding.

Currently supported embedding models can be found here.

Useful methods
  • EmbeddingModel.embed(String) embeds the given text
  • EmbeddingModel.embed(TextSegment) embeds the given TextSegment
  • EmbeddingModel.embedAll(List<TextSegment>) embeds all the given TextSegment

Embedding Store

The EmbeddingStore interface represents a store for Embeddings, also known as vector database. It allows for the storage and efficient search of similar Embeddings.

EmbeddingStore can store Embeddings alone or together with the corresponding TextSegment.

Currently supported embedding stores can be found here.

Useful methods
  • EmbeddingStore.add(Embedding) adds a given Embedding to the store and returns a random ID
  • EmbeddingStore.add(String id, Embedding) adds a given Embedding with a specified ID to the store
  • EmbeddingStore.add(Embedding, TextSegment) adds a given Embedding with an associated TextSegment to the store and returns a random ID
  • EmbeddingStore.addAll(List<Embedding>) adds a list of given Embeddings to the store and returns a list of random IDs
  • EmbeddingStore.addAll(List<Embedding>, List<TextSegment>) adds a list of given Embeddings with associated TextSegments to the store and returns a list of random IDs
  • searches for the most similar Embeddings


More details are coming soon.


More details are coming soon.


More details are coming soon.

Embedding Match

More details are coming soon.

Embedding Store Ingestor

More details are coming soon.

RAG Stages



Advanced RAG

More details are coming soon. In the meantime, please read this.

Retrieval Augmentor

More details are coming soon.

Default Retrieval Augmentor

More details are coming soon.

Query Transformer

More details are coming soon.

Query Router

More details are coming soon.

Content Retriever

More details are coming soon.

Content Aggregator

More details are coming soon.

Content Injector

More details are coming soon.
