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Model Context Protocol (MCP)

LangChain4j supports the Model Context Protocol (MCP) to communicate with MCP compliant servers that can provide and execute tools. General information about the protocol can be found at the MCP website.

The protocol specifies two types of transport, both of these are supported:

  • HTTP: The client requests an SSE channel to receive events from the server and then sends commands via HTTP POST requests.
  • stdio: The client can run an MCP server as a local subprocess and communicate with it directly via standard input/output.

To let your chat model or AI service run tools provided by an MCP server, you need to create an instance of an MCP tool provider.

Creating an MCP tool provider

MCP Transport

First, you need an instance of an MCP Transport.

For stdio - this example shows how to start a server from a NPM package as a subprocess:

McpTransport transport = new StdioMcpTransport.Builder()
.command(List.of("/usr/bin/npm", "exec", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-everything@0.6.2"))
.logEvents(true) // only if you want to see the traffic in the log

For HTTP, you need two URLs, one for starting the SSE channel and one for submitting commands via POST:

McpTransport transport = new HttpMcpTransport.Builder()
.logRequests(true) // if you want to see the traffic in the log

MCP Client

To create an MCP client from the transport:

McpClient mcpClient = new DefaultMcpClient.Builder()

MCP Tool Provider

Finally, you create an MCP tool provider from the client:

ToolProvider toolProvider = McpToolProvider.builder()

Note that one MCP tool provider can use multiple clients at the same time. If you make use of this, you can also specify the behavior of the tool provider in cases when retrieving tools from a particular server fails - this is done by the builder.failIfOneServerFails(boolean) method. The default is false, which means that the tool provider will ignore the error from one server and continue with the other servers. If you set it to true, a failure from any server will cause the tool provider to throw an exception.

To bind a tool provider to an AI service, simply use the toolProvider method of an AI service builder:

Bot bot = AiServices.builder(Bot.class)

More information on tool support in LangChain4j can be found here.


The MCP protocol also defines a way for the server to send log messages to the client. By default, the behavior of the client is to transform these log messages and log them using the SLF4J logger. If you want to change this behavior, there is an interface named dev.langchain4j.mcp.client.logging.McpLogMessageHandler that serves as a callback for received log messages. If you create your own implementation of McpLogMessageHandler, pass it to the MCP client builder:

McpClient mcpClient = new DefaultMcpClient.Builder()
.logMessageHandler(new MyLogMessageHandler())


To obtain a list of MCP resources on the server, use client.listResources(), or client.listResourceTemplates() in case of resource templates. This will return a list of ResourceRef objects (or ResourceTemplateRef respectively). These contain the metadata of the resource, most importantly the URI.

To obtain the actual contents of the resource, use client.readResource(uri), supplying the URI of the resource. This returns a list of ResourceContents objects (there may be more resource contents on a single URI, for example if the URI represents a directory). Each ResourceContents object represents either a binary blob or a string. For a binary blob, use resourceContents.asBlob() to access the actual data, for text, use resourceContents.asText().

Using the GitHub MCP server through Docker

Let's now see how to use the Model Context Protocol (MCP) to bridge AI models with external tools in a standardized way. The following example will interact with GitHub, through the LangChain4j MCP client, to fetch and summarize the latest commits from a public GitHub repository. For that, no need to reinvent the wheel, we can use the existing GitHub MCP server implementation available in the MCP GitHub repo.

The idea is to build a Java application that connects to a GitHub MCP server running locally in Docker, to fetch and summarize the latest commits. The example uses the stdio transport mechanism of MCP to communicate between our Java application and the GitHub MCP server.

Packaging and Executing the GitHub MCP Server in Docker

To interact with GitHub, we first need to set up the GitHub MCP server in Docker. The GitHub MCP server provides a standardized interface to interact with GitHub through the Model Context Protocol. It enables file operations, repository management, and search functionality.

To build the Docker image for our GitHub MCP server, you need to get the code from the MCP servers GitHub repo either by cloning the repo or downloading the code. Then, navigate to the root directory and execute the following Docker command:

docker build -t mcp/github -f src/github/Dockerfile .

The Dockerfile sets up the necessary environment and installs the GitHub MCP server implementation. Once built, the image will be available locally as mcp/github.

docker image ls

mcp/github latest b141704170b1 173MB

Developing the Tool Provider

Let's create a Java class called McpGithubToolsExample that uses LangChain4j to connect to our GitHub MCP server. This class will:

  • Start the GitHub MCP server in a Docker container (the docker command is available in /usr/local/bin/docker)
  • Establish a connection using the stdio transport
  • Use an LLM to summarize the last 3 commits of the LangChain4j GitHub repository

Note: In the code below we pass the GitHub token in the environment variable GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN. But this is optional for some actions on public repositories that don't need authentication.

Here's the implementation:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

ChatLanguageModel model = OpenAiChatModel.builder()

McpTransport transport = new StdioMcpTransport.Builder()
.command(List.of("/usr/local/bin/docker", "run", "-e", "GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN", "-i", "mcp/github"))

McpClient mcpClient = new DefaultMcpClient.Builder()

ToolProvider toolProvider = McpToolProvider.builder()

Bot bot = AiServices.builder(Bot.class)

try {
String response ="Summarize the last 3 commits of the LangChain4j GitHub repository");
System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + response);
} finally {

Note: This example uses Docker and therefore executes a Docker command available in /usr/local/bin/docker (change the path according to your operating system). If you want to use Podman instead of Docker, change the command accordingly.

Executing the Code

To run the example, make sure that Docker is up and running on your system. Also, set your OpenAI API key in the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY.

Then run the Java application. You should get a response summarizing the last 3 commits of the LangChain4j GitHub repository, such as:

Here are the summaries of the last three commits in the LangChain4j GitHub repository:

1. **Commit [36951f9](** (Date: 2025-02-05)
- **Author:** Dmytro Liubarskyi
- **Message:** Updated to `upload-pages-artifact@v3`.
- **Details:** This commit updates the GitHub Action used for uploading pages artifacts to version 3.

2. **Commit [6fcd19f](** (Date: 2025-02-05)
- **Author:** Dmytro Liubarskyi
- **Message:** Updated to `checkout@v4`, `deploy-pages@v4`, and `upload-pages-artifact@v4`.
- **Details:** This commit updates multiple GitHub Actions to their version 4.

3. **Commit [2e74049](** (Date: 2025-02-05)
- **Author:** Dmytro Liubarskyi
- **Message:** Updated to `setup-node@v4` and `configure-pages@v4`.
- **Details:** This commit updates the `setup-node` and `configure-pages` GitHub Actions to version 4.

All commits were made by the same author, Dmytro Liubarskyi, on the same day, focusing on updating various GitHub Actions to newer versions.