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Spring Boot Integration

LangChain4j provides Spring Boot starters for:

Spring Boot starters help with creating and configuring language models, embedding models, embedding stores, and other core LangChain4j components through properties.

To use one of the Spring Boot starters, import the corresponding dependency.

The naming convention for the Spring Boot starter dependency is: langchain4j-{integration-name}-spring-boot-starter.

For example, for OpenAI (langchain4j-open-ai), the dependency name would be langchain4j-open-ai-spring-boot-starter:


Then, you can configure model parameters in the file as follows:${OPENAI_API_KEY}

In this case, an instance of OpenAiChatModel (an implementation of a ChatLanguageModel) will be automatically created, and you can autowire it where needed:

public class ChatController {

ChatLanguageModel chatLanguageModel;

public ChatController(ChatLanguageModel chatLanguageModel) {
this.chatLanguageModel = chatLanguageModel;

public String model(@RequestParam(value = "message", defaultValue = "Hello") String message) {
return chatLanguageModel.generate(message);

If you need an instance of a StreamingChatLanguageModel, use the streaming-chat-model instead of the chat-model properties:${OPENAI_API_KEY}

Spring Boot starter for declarative AI Services

LangChain4j provides a Spring Boot starter for auto-configuring AI Services, RAG, Tools etc.

Assuming you have already imported one of the integrations starters (see above), import langchain4j-spring-boot-starter:


You can now define AI Service interface and annotate it with @AiService:

interface Assistant {

@SystemMessage("You are a polite assistant")
String chat(String userMessage);

Think of it as a standard Spring Boot @Service, but with AI capabilities.

When the application starts, LangChain4j starter will scan the classpath and find all interfaces annotated with @AiService. For each AI Service found, it will create an implementation of this interface using all LangChain4j components available in the application context and will register it as a bean, so you can auto-wire it where needed:

class AssistantController {

Assistant assistant;

public String chat(String message) {

More details here.

Supported versions

LangChain4j Spring Boot integration requires Java 17 and Spring Boot 3.2.
