All Classes and Interfaces

Bedrock chat model
Abstract bedrock embedding model
Bedrock Streaming chat model
Abstract class for WorkerAI models as they are all initialized the same way.
Represents a response message from an AI (language model).
AI Services provide a simpler and more flexible alternative to chains.
Represents an Anthropic language model with a Messages (chat) API.
See more details here.
Represents an Anthropic language model with a Messages (chat) API.
Parses PDF file into a Document using Apache PDFBox library
Parses Microsoft Office file into a Document using Apache POI library.
Parses files into Documents using Apache Tika library, automatically detecting the file format.
Multiple models leverage the same output format, so we can use this class to parse the response.
Error class.
Implementation of EmbeddingStore using AstraDB.
Builder for Audio.
Represents a request for ChatMessage augmentation.
Represents the result of a ChatMessage augmentation.
Represents an AWS credentials object, including access key ID, secret access key, and optional session token.
Represents Azure AI Search Service as a ContentRetriever.
Azure AI Search EmbeddingStore Implementation
Represents an Azure CosmosDB Mongo vCore as an embedding store.
You can read more about vector search using Azure Cosmos DB NoSQL here.
Represents an OpenAI language model, hosted on Azure, that has a chat completion interface, such as gpt-3.5-turbo.
A factory for building AzureOpenAiChatModel.Builder instances.
You can get the latest model names from the Azure OpenAI documentation or by executing the Azure CLI command: az cognitiveservices account list-models --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" --name "$AI_SERVICE" -o table
Represents an OpenAI embedding model, hosted on Azure, such as text-embedding-ada-002.
A factory for building AzureOpenAiEmbeddingModel.Builder instances.
Represents an OpenAI image model, hosted on Azure, such as dall-e-3.
A factory for building AzureOpenAiImageModel.Builder instances.
Represents an OpenAI language model, hosted on Azure, such as gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct.
A factory for building AzureOpenAiLanguageModel.Builder instances.
Represents an OpenAI language model, hosted on Azure, that has a chat completion interface, such as gpt-3.5-turbo.
A factory for building AzureOpenAiStreamingChatModel.Builder instances.
Represents an OpenAI language model, hosted on Azure, such as gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct.
A factory for building AzureOpenAiStreamingLanguageModel.Builder instances.
This class can be used to estimate the cost (in tokens) before calling OpenAI or when using streaming.
Bedrock AI21 Labs model ids
Bedrock AI21 Labs model invoke response
Bedrock Anthropic model ids
Bedrock Anthropic Text Completions API Invoke response ...
Bedrock Anthropic model ids
Bedrock Anthropic Messages API Invoke response ...
Bedrock Chat model response
Bedrock Cohere model ids
Bedrock Cohere model invoke response
Bedrock embedding response
Bedrock Llama model ids
Bedrock Llama Invoke response
Bedrock Mistral model ids
Bedrock stability AI model This is for image generation.
Bedrock Amazon Stability AI model ids
Bedrock Anthropic Invoke response
Bedrock Amazon Titan chat model
Bedrock Amazon Titan model ids
Bedrock Titan Chat response
Bedrock Amazon Titan embedding model with support for both versions: amazon.titan-embed-text-v1 and amazon.titan-embed-text-v2:0
See more details here and here.
Bedrock Titan embedding response
Implementation of ChatMemoryStore using Astra DB Vector Search.
Implementation of EmbeddingStore using Cassandra.
Represents a chain step that takes an input and produces an output.
Support ChatGLM, ChatGLM2 and ChatGLM3 api are compatible with OpenAI API
A factory for building ChatGlmChatModel.ChatGlmChatModelBuilder instances.
Represents a language model that has a chat interface.
Represents the memory (history) of a chat conversation.
Provides instances of ChatMemory.
Represents a store for the ChatMemory state.
A chat message.
A deserializer for ChatMessage objects.
A codec for serializing and deserializing ChatMessage objects to and from JSON.
A factory for creating ChatMessageJsonCodec objects.
The type of content, e.g.
The error context.
A ChatLanguageModel listener that listens for requests, responses and errors.
A request to the ChatLanguageModel or StreamingChatLanguageModel, intended to be used with ChatModelListener.
The request context.
A response from the ChatLanguageModel or StreamingChatLanguageModel, intended to be used with ChatModelListener.
The response context.
Represents a store for embeddings using the Chroma backend.
Interface for executing code.
An implementation of an EmbeddingModel that uses Cohere Embed API.
An implementation of a ScoringModel that uses Cohere Rerank API.
A QueryTransformer that leverages a ChatLanguageModel to condense a given Query along with a chat memory (previous conversation history) into a concise Query.
Abstract base interface for message content.
Represents content relevant to a user Query with the potential to enhance and ground the LLM's response.
Aggregates all Contents retrieved from all ContentRetrievers using all Querys.
Injects given Contents into a given UserMessage.
Retrieves Contents from an underlying data source using a given Query.
The type of content, e.g.
A chain for conversing with a specified ChatLanguageModel while maintaining a memory of the conversation.
A chain for conversing with a specified ChatLanguageModel based on the information retrieved by a specified ContentRetriever.
Utility class for calculating cosine similarity between two vectors.
Represents a Couchbase index as an embedding store.
Options which configure the creation of database schema objects, such as tables and indexes.
Utility class to guess the mime-type of a file from its path or URI.
Maps Filter objects to Azure AI Search filter strings.
Default implementation of ContentAggregator intended to be suitable for the majority of use cases.
Default implementation of ContentInjector intended to be suitable for the majority of use cases.
Metadata configuration implementation
Default implementation of QueryRouter intended to be suitable for the majority of use cases.
Default implementation of QueryTransformer intended to be suitable for the majority of use cases.
The default implementation of RetrievalAugmentor intended to be suitable for the majority of use cases.
Default implementation of StructuredPromptFactory.
Annotation to attach a description to a class field.
A dimension aware embedding model
A ChatLanguageModel which throws a ModelDisabledException for all of its methods
An EmbeddingModel which throws a ModelDisabledException for all of its methods
An ImageModel which throws a ModelDisabledException for all of its methods
A LanguageModel which throws a ModelDisabledException for all of its methods
A ModerationModel which throws a ModelDisabledException for all of its methods
A StreamingChatLanguageModel which throws a ModelDisabledException for all of its methods
A StreamingLanguageModel which throws a ModelDisabledException for all of its methods
Represents an unstructured piece of text that usually corresponds to a content of a single file.
Splits the provided Document into characters and attempts to fit as many characters as possible into a single TextSegment, adhering to the limit set by maxSegmentSize.
Splits the provided Document into lines and attempts to fit as many lines as possible into a single TextSegment, adhering to the limit set by maxSegmentSize.
Splits the provided Document into paragraphs and attempts to fit as many paragraphs as possible into a single TextSegment, adhering to the limit set by maxSegmentSize.
Splits the provided Document into parts using the provided regex and attempts to fit as many parts as possible into a single TextSegment, adhering to the limit set by maxSegmentSize.
Splits the provided Document into sentences and attempts to fit as many sentences as possible into a single TextSegment, adhering to the limit set by maxSegmentSize.
Splits the provided Document into words and attempts to fit as many words as possible into a single TextSegment, adhering to the limit set by maxSegmentSize.
Utility class for loading documents.
Defines the interface for parsing an InputStream into a Document.
A factory for creating DocumentParser instances through SPI.
Defines the interface for a Document source.
Defines the interface for splitting a document into text segments.
A factory for creating DocumentSplitter instances through SPI.
Defines the interface for transforming a Document.
Represents an Elasticsearch index as an embedding store using the approximate kNN query implementation.
Represents an Elasticsearch index as an embedding store.
Represents an Elasticsearch index as an embedding store.
Represents a dense vector embedding of a text.
Represents a matched embedding along with its relevance score (derivative of cosine distance), ID, and original embedded content.
Represents a model that can convert a given text into an embedding (vector representation of the text).
A factory for creating EmbeddingModel instances through SPI.
A TextClassifier that uses an EmbeddingModel and predefined examples to perform classification.
Represents a request to search in an EmbeddingStore.
Represents a result of a search in an EmbeddingStore.
Represents a store for embeddings, also known as a vector database.
A ContentRetriever that retrieves from an EmbeddingStore.
The EmbeddingStoreIngestor represents an ingestion pipeline and is responsible for ingesting Documents into an EmbeddingStore.
EmbeddingStoreIngestor builder.
Represents a database table where embeddings, text, and metadata are stored.
A builder that configures and builds an EmbeddingTable.
Utility methods for creating common exceptions.
A QueryTransformer that utilizes a ChatLanguageModel to expand a given Query.
Indicates that a class/constructor/method is experimental and might change in the future.
This class represents a filter that can be applied during search in an EmbeddingStore.
Parses a filter expression string into a Filter object.
The reason why a model call finished.
Represents a language model, hosted on GitHub Models, that has a chat completion interface, such as gpt-4o.
A factory for building GitHubModelsChatModel.Builder instances.
Represents an embedding model, hosted on GitHub Models, such as text-embedding-3-small.
A factory for building GitHubModelsEmbeddingModel.Builder instances.
Represents a language model, hosted on GitHub Models, that has a chat completion interface, such as gpt-4o.
A factory for building GitHubModelsStreamingChatModel.Builder instances.
Google Cloud Storage Document Loader to load documents from Google Cloud Storage buckets.
An implementation of a WebSearchEngine that uses Google Custom Search API for performing web searches.
CodeExecutionEngine that uses GraalVM Polyglot/Truffle to execute provided JavaScript code.
A tool that executes provided JavaScript code using GraalVM Polyglot/Truffle.
CodeExecutionEngine that uses GraalVM Polyglot/Truffle to execute provided Python code.
A tool that executes provided Python code using GraalVM Polyglot/Truffle.
A codec for serializing and deserializing ChatMessage objects to and from JSON.
Possible harm categories for the generation of responses that have been blocked by the model.
Base class for hierarchical document splitters.
Extracts plain text from a given HTML document.
A factory for building HuggingFaceChatModel.Builder instances.
A factory for building HuggingFaceLanguageModel.Builder instances.
Represents an image as a URL or as a Base64-encoded string.
Builder for Image.
Represents an image with a DetailLevel.
The detail level of an Image.
Text to Image generator model.
Infinispan Embedding Store
Holds configuration for the store
Implementation of ChatMemoryStore that stores state of ChatMemory (chat messages) in-memory.
An EmbeddingStore that stores embeddings in memory.
Annotation to mark methods where JaCoCo coverage should be ignored.
An implementation of an EmbeddingModel that uses Jina Embeddings API.
An implementation of a ScoringModel that uses Jina Reranker API.
A factory for building JlamaChatModel.JlamaChatModelBuilder instances.
A factory for building JlamaEmbeddingModel.JlamaEmbeddingModelBuilder instances.
A factory for building JlamaLanguageModel.JlamaLanguageModelBuilder instances.
use Jackson's ObjectMapper
The abstract JSON codec interface.
A factory for creating Json.JsonCodec instances through SPI.
Represents a property in a JSON schema.
A tool that executes JS code using the Judge0 service, hosted by Rapid API.
Utility class with lambda-based streaming response handlers.
Langchain item that is serialized for the langchain integration use case
Marshaller to read and write embeddings to Infinispan
Langchain Metadata item that is serialized for the langchain integration use case
Marshaller to read and write metadata to Infinispan
LangchainSchemaCreator for Infinispan
Represents a language model that has a simple text interface (as opposed to a chat interface).
A QueryRouter that utilizes a ChatLanguageModel to make a routing decision.
Strategy applied if the call to the LLM fails of if LLM does not return a valid response.
Given a natural language Query, this class creates a suitable Filter using a language model.
See LocalAI documentation for more details.
A factory for building LocalAiChatModel.LocalAiChatModelBuilder instances.
See LocalAI documentation for more details.
A factory for building LocalAiEmbeddingModel.LocalAiEmbeddingModelBuilder instances.
See LocalAI documentation for more details.
A factory for building LocalAiLanguageModel.LocalAiLanguageModelBuilder instances.
See LocalAI documentation for more details.
See LocalAI documentation for more details.
The value of a method parameter annotated with @MemoryId will be used to find the memory belonging to that user/conversation.
Sanitizes the messages to conform to the format expected by the Anthropic API.
This chat memory operates as a sliding window of MessageWindowChatMemory.maxMessages messages.
Represents metadata of a Document or a TextSegment.
Represents metadata that may be useful or necessary for retrieval or augmentation purposes.
MetadataColumDefinition used to define column definition from sql String
A helper class for building a Filter for Metadata key.
Metadata configuration.
Metadata storage mode COLUMN_PER_KEY: for static metadata, when you know in advance the list of metadata COMBINED_JSON: For dynamic metadata, when you don't know the list of metadata that will be used.
if metric type is not set when searching, it will use the parameter specified when building the space
Represents an Milvus index as an embedding store.
Represents a Mistral AI Chat Model with a chat completion interface, such as open-mistral-7b and open-mixtral-8x7b This model allows generating chat completion of a sync way based on a list of chat messages.
A factory for building MistralAiChatModel.MistralAiChatModelBuilder instances.
Represents the available chat completion models for Mistral AI.
Represents a Mistral AI embedding model, such as mistral-embed.
The MistralAiEmbeddingModelName enum represents the available embedding models in the Mistral AI module.
Represents a collection of Mistral AI models.
A factory for building MistralAiModels.MistralAiModelsBuilder instances.
Represents the value of the 'type' field in the response_format parameter of the MistralAi Chat completions request.
Represents a Mistral AI Chat Model with a chat completion interface, such as mistral-tiny and mistral-small.
An exception thrown by a model that could be disabled by a user.
When a method in the AI Service is annotated with @Moderate, each invocation of this method will call not only the LLM, but also the moderation model (which must be provided during the construction of the AI Service) in parallel.
Represents moderation status.
Thrown when content moderation fails, i.e., when content is flagged by the moderation model.
Represents a model that can moderate text.
Represents a MongoDB index as an embedding store.
A ContentRetriever that retrieves from an Neo4jGraph.
Represents a Vector index as an embedding store.
Creates an instance of Neo4jEmbeddingStore defining a Driver starting from uri, user and password
An integration with Nomic Atlas's Text Embeddings API.
A factory for building OllamaChatModel.OllamaChatModelBuilder instances.
A factory for building OllamaEmbeddingModel.OllamaEmbeddingModelBuilder instances.
A factory for building OllamaLanguageModel.OllamaLanguageModelBuilder instances.
Represents an OpenAI language model with a chat completion interface, such as gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4.
A factory for building OpenAiChatModel.OpenAiChatModelBuilder instances.
Represents an OpenAI embedding model, such as text-embedding-ada-002.
A factory for building OpenAiEmbeddingModel.OpenAiEmbeddingModelBuilder instances.
Represents an OpenAI DALL·E models to generate artistic images.
A factory for building OpenAiImageModel.OpenAiImageModelBuilder instances.
Represents an OpenAI language model with a completion interface, such as gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct.
A factory for building OpenAiLanguageModel.OpenAiLanguageModelBuilder instances.
Represents an OpenAI moderation model, such as text-moderation-latest.
A factory for building OpenAiModerationModel.OpenAiModerationModelBuilder instances.
Represents an OpenAI language model with a chat completion interface, such as gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4.
Represents an OpenAI language model with a completion interface, such as gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct.
This class needs to be thread safe because it is called when a streaming result comes back and there is no guarantee that this thread will be the same as the one that initiated the request, in fact it almost certainly won't be.
This class can be used to estimate the cost (in tokens) before calling OpenAI or when using streaming.
Represents an OpenSearch index as an embedding store.
An EmbeddingStore which uses AI Vector Search capabilities of Oracle Database.
Builder which configures and creates instances of OracleEmbeddingStore.
Represents an OVHcloud embedding model.
Parameter of a Tool
Builder for PdfFile.
PGVector EmbeddingStore Implementation
Represents a Pinecone index as an embedding store.
Represents a prompt (an input text sent to the LLM).
Represents a template of a prompt that can be reused multiple times.
A factory for creating prompt templates.
Interface for input for the factory.
Interface for a prompt template.
Represents a Qdrant collection as an embedding store.
see details here:
A factory for building QianfanChatModel.QianfanChatModelBuilder instances.
see details here:
A factory for building QianfanEmbeddingModel.QianfanEmbeddingModelBuilder instances.
see details here:
A factory for building QianfanLanguageModel.QianfanLanguageModelBuilder instances.
see details here:
see details here:
This class needs to be thread safe because it is called when a streaming result comes back and there is no guarantee that this thread will be the same as the one that initiated the request, in fact it almost certainly won't be.
Represents a query from the user intended for retrieving relevant Contents.
Routes the given Query to one or multiple ContentRetrievers.
Transforms the given Query into one or multiple Querys.
Represents a Qwen language model with a chat completion interface.
A factory for building QwenChatModel.QwenChatModelBuilder instances.
An implementation of an EmbeddingModel that uses DashScope Embeddings API.
A factory for building QwenEmbeddingModel.QwenEmbeddingModelBuilder instances.
Represents a Qwen language model with a text interface.
A factory for building QwenLanguageModel.QwenLanguageModelBuilder instances.
The LLMs provided by Alibaba Cloud, performs better than most LLMs in Asia languages.
Represents a Qwen language model with a chat completion interface.
Represents a Qwen language model with a text interface.
Implementation of Reciprocal Rank Fusion.
Represents a Redis index as an embedding store.
Utility class for converting between cosine similarity and relevance score.
A ContentAggregator that performs re-ranking using a ScoringModel, such as Cohere.
Represents the response from various types of models, including language, chat, embedding, and moderation models.
Represents the result of an AI Service invocation.
Augments the provided ChatMessage with retrieved Contents.
As a constraint of all engine type only
Utility class for retrying actions.
This class encapsulates a retry policy.
This class encapsulates a retry policy builder.
Safety thresholds, for the harm categories for the generation of responses that have been blocked by the model.
Helper class to create a from a JSON schema string, or from a class by reflection on its public fields.
Represents a model capable of scoring a text against a query.
An implementation of a WebSearchEngine that uses Search API for performing web searches.
Utility class for loading web documents using Selenium.
Utility wrapper around ServiceLoader.load().
As a constraint type of all Space property only
WARNING! Although fun and exciting, this class is dangerous to use! Do not ever use this in production! The database user must have very limited READ-ONLY permissions! Although the generated SQL is somewhat validated (to ensure that the SQL is a SELECT statement) using JSqlParser, this class does not guarantee that the SQL will be harmless.
Parses an SQL "WHERE" clause into a Filter object using JSqlParser.
Represents a language model that has a chat interface and can stream a response one token at a time.
Represents a language model that has a simple text interface (as opposed to a chat interface) and can stream a response one token at a time.
Represents a handler for streaming responses from a language model.
Represents a structured prompt.
Utility class for StructuredPrompt.
Represents a factory for structured prompts.
Utility class for structured prompts.
Represents a system message, typically defined by a developer.
Specifies either a complete system message (prompt) or a system message template to be used each time an AI service is invoked.
Represents Tavily Search API as a WebSearchEngine.
Classifies given text according to specified enum.
Represents a text content.
Builder for TextFile.
Represents a semantically meaningful segment (chunk/piece/fragment) of a larger entity such as a document or chat conversation.
Defines the interface for transforming a TextSegment.
Represents an interface for estimating the count of tokens in various text types such as a text, message, prompt, text segment, etc.
Represents an interface for estimating the count of tokens in various texts, text segments, etc.
Represents an interface for estimating the count of tokens in various text types such as a text, prompt, text segment, etc.
Represents an interface for estimating the count of tokens in various text types such as a text, prompt, text segment, etc.
Represents a token stream from language model to which you can subscribe and receive updates when a new token is available, when language model finishes streaming, or when an error occurs during streaming.
Represents the token usage of a response.
This chat memory operates as a sliding window of TokenWindowChatMemory.maxTokens tokens.
Java methods annotated with @Tool are considered tools/functions that language model can execute/call.
Tool calling mode, to instruct Gemini whether it can request calls to any functions, to just a subset of the available functions, or to none at all.
Represents the execution of a tool, including the request and the result.
Represents an LLM-generated request to execute a tool.
ToolExecutionRequest builder static inner class.
Represents the result of a tool execution in response to a ToolExecutionRequest.
A low-level executor/handler of a ToolExecutionRequest.
If a Tool method parameter is annotated with this annotation, memory id (parameter annotated with @MemoryId in AI Service) will be injected automatically.
Represents the parameters of a tool.
ToolParameters builder static inner class.
A tool provider.
Describes a Tool.
ToolSpecification builder static inner class.
Utility methods for ToolSpecifications.
Represents a message from a user, typically an end user of the application.
Specifies either a complete user message or a user message template to be used each time an AI service is invoked.
The value of a method parameter annotated with @UserName will be injected into the field 'name' of a UserMessage.
Utility methods.
When a parameter of a method in an AI Service is annotated with @V, it becomes a prompt template variable.
Utility class for validating method arguments.
Represents a Google Vertex AI language model with a chat completion interface, such as chat-bison.
A factory for building VertexAiChatModel.Builder instances.
Represents a Google Vertex AI embedding model, such as textembedding-gecko.
A factory for building VertexAiChatModel.Builder instances.
Represents a Google Vertex AI Gemini language model with a chat completion interface, such as gemini-pro.
Represents a Google Vertex AI Gemini language model with a stream chat completion interface, such as gemini-pro.
Image model for the Google Cloud Vertex AI Imagen image generation models.
Supported aspect ratios: 1:1, 9:16, 16:9, 4:3, and 3:4.
Image style can be specified for imagen@002.
Supported mime types: only PNG and JPEG image formats can be generated.
Specify whether persons are allowed to be generated.
A factory for building VertexAiImageModel.Builder instances.
Represents a Google Vertex AI language model with a text interface, such as text-bison.
A factory for building VertexAiLanguageModel.Builder instances.
Implementation of a ScoringModel for the Google Cloud Vertex AI Ranking API.
Represents the Vespa - search engine and vector database.
Builder for Video.
An implementation of an EmbeddingModel that uses Voyage AI Embedding API.
An implementation of a ScoringModel that uses Voyage AI Rerank API.
Represents a Wanx models to generate artistic images.
Represents the Weaviate vector database.
A ContentRetriever that retrieves relevant Content from the web using a WebSearchEngine.
Represents a web search engine that can be used to perform searches on the Web in response to a user query.
Represents general information about the web search performed.
Represents an organic search results are the web pages that are returned by the search engine in response to a search query.
Represents a search request that can be made by the user to perform searches in any implementation of WebSearchEngine.
Represents the response of a web search performed.
Public interface to interact with the WorkerAI API.
Represents a request for AI chat completion.
Represents a message in the AI chat.
Defines the roles a message can have in the chat conversation.
Wrapper for the chat completion response.
WorkerAI Chat model.
Internal Builder.
A factory for building WorkersAiChatModel.Builder instances.
Enum for Workers AI Chat Model Name.
Low level client to interact with the WorkerAI API.
An interceptor for HTTP requests to add an authorization token to the header.
WorkerAI Embedding model.
Internal Builder.
A factory for building WorkersAiEmbeddingModel.Builder instances.
Enum for Workers AI Embedding Model Name.
Request to compute embeddings
Response to compute embeddings
Beam to hold results
Request to generate an image.
Response to generate an image.
Body of the image generating process
WorkerAI Image model.
Internal Builder.
A factory for building WorkersAiImageModel.Builder instances.
Enum for Workers AI Omage Model Name.
WorkerAI Language model.
Internal Builder.
A factory for building WorkersAiLanguageModel.Builder instances.
Request to complete a text.
Wrapper for the text completion response.
Wrapper for the text completion response.
Represents an ZhipuAi language model with a chat completion interface, such as glm-3-turbo and glm-4.
A factory for building ZhipuAiChatModel.ZhipuAiChatModelBuilder instances.
Represents an ZhipuAI embedding model, such as embedding-2 and embedding-3.
A factory for building ZhipuAiEmbeddingModel.ZhipuAiEmbeddingModelBuilder instances.